011 268 4783/4 louiser@mosaiek.com
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4,1 Million Meals served in 2024

Art 18A- Certificates for donations.


To Provide nutritional meals to less fortunate children.

F.A.C.T. Feed a Child Today – 4,1 Million Meals served in 2024.

Nutritional kitchens are at the heart of our foundation; during the past year Embark Foundation opened 2 new nutritional kitchens bringing the total up to 22 with serving an average of 28 600 meals a day. Each meal is uniquely tailored to meet the requirements of its location, ensuring the meal provided is suited to the regional preferences of the children.

FACT aims to provide regular, nutritious food to children who are unable, by reason of lack of good quality food, to take full advantage of the education provided for them. Research has shown that inadequate nutrition impacts negatively on children’s ability to learn and benefit from education. Proper nutrition can improve children’s ability to concentrate, improve disruptive behaviour and encourage children to attend school. Feed A Child Today help schools provide children with meals that are part of a healthy diet.

Ways to donate

Below are the various ways you make a donation to F.A.C.T where each meal is tailored to meet the requirements of its location. Thank you for your valuable contribution.


* Price




Standard bank
Account Number: 021374112
Account Type: Business Current Account
Branch: Key West
Branch Code: 015841
Branch Code (electronic payments): 051001

Objectives of Nutritional Kitchens

  • Avoid classroom hunger
  • Increase school enrolment
  • Increase school attendance
  • Improve socialization among children
  • Address malnutrition, increase academic
  • Performance
  • Empower women through employment

Benefits of Proper Nutrition

  • Improves behaviour, performance, and overall cognitive development
  • Children participate more actively in the education experience
  • Positive effect on eating habits and physical well-being
  • Children served are at no nutritional risk when they have access to school meals

Drawbacks of malnutrition

  • General effects on cognitive development resulting in lower IQs
  • Delayed physical growth and motor development
  • Greater degree of behavioural problems and deficient social skills
  • Decreased attention, deficient learning, and lower educational achievement

Physical Address

1 Danielle Street, Fairland, 2030
Google Maps

Tel: 011 268 4783 or 011 268 4784
Fax: 011 268 4800

E-mail: Louise Rivett

Social Media